ITMC Financial Modeling Project details

The financial modeling is project simply formulating the business logic into the number so the results can be interpreted and accessed well in advance.

The financial projections must include the following components at a minimum:

Primary inputs & Assumptions are complete along with product packaging and algorithms of pricing

  • Data Assumptions sheet to control the data throughout the forecast
  • P&L Monthly
  • P&L Qtrly / Annually
  • Bookings forecast with variables to control the financial projection element
  • ROI Sheet
  • Direct & Operational Costs detail sheet
  • Headcount & Salary Sheet
  • Opening Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow
  • Depreciation Sheet (Capex)


Primary inputs & Assumptions are complete along with product packaging and algorithms of pricing. The Goal of this project is to build the financial workbook (Excel / Google Sheets) with linked logic between each of the tabs so we can model assumptions and view the calculated math of the entire business.



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